Prose, drama (fiction and non-fiction), articles, essays, press ublications, screenplays, web-sites content, etc.
This type of translations will include driver''s manuals, different rules, chedules, instructions, manuals, tourism guides, informational texts, labeling, product nformation, educational materials, examinations, etc.
Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Certificate, Adoption Certificate, Change of Name Certificate, Acknowledgement of atherhood Certificate, High School Diploma, Diploma, Transcripts, Reference, Criminal ecord, Police Certificate, Permission, Power of Attorney, Application, Various Forms, ffidavit of Support, Visa Documents, etc.
Private letters and emails, postcards, business letters and emails, etc.
A rendering of the details relating to a specific aspect of the source translation with the corresponding elimination of all other irrelevant information. Additional explanatory notes are often included to add depth to the certain subject.
A summary of all the information in the source translation in the form of general themes, a description of specific information, or an abridged version of useful content.
A complete translation of a text without any alteration of content or form of the original document.
Only the keywords, indicating basic concepts of the text, are transferred into the target language to determine the necessity of full translation and how the text should be translated. The words are usually ordered to indicate importance.
The oral translation of a written text that usually occurs without preparation, on demand, in a professional environment.
Contracts, agreements, financial papers, leases, loan contracts, wills, laims, authorizations (доверенности), prenuptial agreement, etc.